Tutoring Feedback Tutor Feedback How would you rate the overall engagement of your session with the tutor? * Very Engaging Somewhat Engaging Neutral Somewhat Unengaging Very Unengaging Use of interactive teaching methods 1 – Strongly Agree2 – Agree3 – Neutral4 – Disagree5 – Strongly Disagree Demonstrates enthusiasm for the subject 1 – Strongly Agree2 – Agree3 – Neutral4 – Disagree5 – Strongly Disagree Engages you in the learning process 1 – Strongly Agree2 – Agree3 – Neutral4 – Disagree5 – Strongly Disagree Would you say the tutor has a strong grasp of the subject matter? Yes No Uncertain Provides accurate information YesNoUncertain Explains complex concepts effectively YesNoUncertain Applies subject knowledge to real-world YesNoUncertain Clarity of Explanations 1 (Poor)2345678910 (Excelent) Responsiveness to questions 1 (Poor)2345678910 (Excelent) Ability to keep discussions focused and productive 1 (Poor)2345678910 (Excelent) Would you recommend your tutor to another student Yes No Please enter you comment here There’s always room for improvement. What suggestions would you offer your tutor to make the session more affective and enjoyable? Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.